"We remind you that the messages we have heard during this conference will be printed in the November issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines. As we read and study them, we will be additionally taught and inspired. May we incorporate into our daily lives the truths found therein."
~Thomas S. Monson

Monday, November 9, 2009

Get Ready!

Alright, ya'll....hope you're gearin' up for another round of The Cover To Cover Challenge! You should have received your November Ensign by now...unless you're me. Mine still hasn't come yet, so I had to beg one from Barb. But YOU, you should have yours. Right?

Round two will start NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15. I'll have the schedule up and ready for you to enjoy. See you then!


Aaron and Megan said...

Even though we moved I am still going to play along!!!

Misty said...
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Misty said...

Megan, PLEASE do! (And then come to our party when we're all done!)

Barbara said...

Count me in for more spirit and fun! Thanks for all the work you do on the blog, to make it so much fun for everyone! When I grow up, I wanna be just like you, Misty!:)

Joyce said...

I guess I am getting started late. I should have know that you would just start again as soon as the magizines were out. I'll try to catch up