"We remind you that the messages we have heard during this conference will be printed in the November issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines. As we read and study them, we will be additionally taught and inspired. May we incorporate into our daily lives the truths found therein."
~Thomas S. Monson

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"None Were With Him"

There are pros and cons to having an extra copy of the Enisgn to pack around with you. The biggest pro is that you always have it, so if you're...let's say at a Doctor's Appointment...you can pull it out and get some reading in. The con? Crying like a baby in the waiting room of the Doctor's Office while reading amazing talks like this one. (It's a good thing I was the only patient there.)

Click here to read the whole talk.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 11 (August 23-29)

This Week's Reading:
Pg. 83 "His Arm Is Sufficient"
~ Barbara Thompson
Pg. 86 "None Were With Him" ~ Jeffrey R. Holland
Pg. 89 "Be of Good Cheer" ~ Thomas S. Monson

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 10 (August 16-22)

This Week's Reading:
Pg. 75 "The Way of the Disciple"
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Pg. 78 "Come Unto Him" ~ Neil L. Anderson
Pg. 81 "Get On With Our Lives" ~ Steven E. Snow

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Elder Costa & President Uchtdorf

So is anyone else tired of reading "I loved this talk!" Or "The part I liked most was..."? I'm tired of typing it! HOWEVER ---> It's the best I can do, and you only have to tolerate it for a few more months. Hmmm, let's try to be a little more original tonight, shall we? Here goes:

As I was reading Elder Costa's talk about the Priesthood, the impression I felt most was centered on having Family Home Evening. We do pretty good most weeks...we have FHE after dinner when the boys are still strapped in their high chairs and we can contain them. (Agency is a principle we'll be teaching a little later in our family...) We've been using the lessons from the Nursery Manual and have been able to teach some basic Gospel Principles. But - using the sentiment from Sis. Lovell a few weeks ago - it's never perfect like the pictures in the Ensign of families having FHE. Aaron's usually screaming at the top of his lungs (not angrily - he just likes to hear himself scream), AJ is either throwing the pieces of dinner he didn't eat or spitting (his new-found favorite pastime). Some nights we finish with the lesson, get through a quick rendition of "I Am A Child of God" and I'm on the verge of tears wondering why we even bother trying -- is it really doing any good?

I know, I know. It IS doing good, and it's what we're supposed to be doing. But boy, is it hard sometimes! Do any of you wise women have any tips you can give this crazy mom? I've heard lots of great tips for older Primary-aged kids and teenagers, but this toddler stage is really tough! What did you do for FHE when you had little ones? Or even, what are some of the blessings you've received from having Family Home Evening faithfully? Some reassuring success stories would sure do me good right about now!
I had a really cool experience this last week. President Uchtdorf is another one of those men whose voice I can hear when I read his talks. As I was reading his Priesthood Session talk, I could hear his voice in my mind like always, but as I got to the end of his talk, the volume of his voice was turned up a few notches. I could hear him...speaking each word deliberately and with such strong conviction as he said
"I bear solemn testimony that God lives and is mindful of each one of us. He will stretch forth His hand and uphold those who rise up and bear the priesthood with honor, for in these latter days He has a great work for us to do.
This gospel does not come from man. The doctrine of the Church is not someone’s best guess as to the meaning of ancient scripture. It is the truth of heaven revealed by God Himself. I testify that Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw. He truly looked into the heavens and communed with God the Father and the Son and with angels.
I bear witness that Heavenly Father speaks to those who seek Him in spirit and in truth. I have witnessed with my own eyes and joyfully testify that in our day, God speaks through His prophet, seer, and revelator, even Thomas S. Monson.
My dear brethren, like Nehemiah, we have a great work to do. We stand overlooking the horizon of our age. It is my fervent prayer that in spite of temptations, we will never lower our standards; that in spite of distractions, wherever they may come from, we will not lose focus on what matters most; that we will stand resolute and together, shoulder to shoulder, as we valiantly bear the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray that we may be worthy of the holy priesthood of Almighty God and, to a man, lift our heads and with unwavering voice proclaim to the world, “We are doing a great work, and we will not come down.” In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen."
As I read this - and heard this - I cried. I could FEEL the power of his testimony through page 62 of my crinkly, folded up Ensign. It was really, really cool.
And I'm adding "I am doing a great work and cannot come down." AND "Don't lose focus on what matters most." to my Fridge Quotes. (I'm really going to need a bigger refrigerator.)

Week 9 (August 9-15)

This Week's Reading:
Pg. 63 "Man Down!" ~ Henry B. Eyring
Pg. 67 "Be Your Best Self" ~ Thomas S. Monson

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 8 (August 2-8)

This Week's Reading:
Pg. 56 "Priesthood Responsibilities" ~ Claudio R.M. Costa
Pg. 59 "We Are Doing a Great Work & Cannot Come Down" ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf