I remember when I left for college. It was in a different state, a completely different atmosphere, and I was a LONG way from home. But my parents knew that I would learn things there. They knew that I would have opportunities there that I couldn't have anywhere else, and that I would have the chance to make my own decisions. So off I went. I remember the first night in my dorm room, laying on the hard wooden bed, staring at the ceiling, and clinging to the Noah's Ark Blanket - my comforter -that my mom had made for me when I was twelve. The comforter was the one thing that reminded me of home, that made me feel secure, that made me feel safe.
Heavenly Father sent each of us to a different place - away from home - to get our education. He gives us unlimited nights, weekends, and daytimes to call home. He also gave us a gift; a Comforter, to help us feel safe and secure and to protect us against the elements. He knew we would get cold, he knew that we would get lonely, and he knew that we would get homesick, so he gave us a little piece of home to take with us.

Sister Matsumori tells this story:
"A Sunbeam teacher wrapped each of her class members one by one in a blanket to teach them how the Spirit feels like the comfort and security of that covering. A visiting mother also heard the lesson. Many months later the mother thanked the teacher. She told how she had been less active when she accompanied her young daughter to Primary. Several weeks after the lesson, the mother suffered a miscarriage. She was overcome with grief when suddenly she felt a great warmth and peace. It felt like someone had covered her with a warm blanket. She recognized the reassurance of the Spirit and knew that Heavenly Father was aware of her and that He loved her."

{There were SO many more things I loved in this talk. What were your favorite things?}
I love this post!! And I love the pictures. And I love that Heavenly Father gave us such a wonderful gift!
Thank you so much for this reminder of what life is all about. I needed that today.
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