"We remind you that the messages we have heard during this conference will be printed in the November issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines. As we read and study them, we will be additionally taught and inspired. May we incorporate into our daily lives the truths found therein."
~Thomas S. Monson

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Comforter - Misty's Take on Vicki F. Matsumori's Talk

I remember when I left for college. It was in a different state, a completely different atmosphere, and I was a LONG way from home. But my parents knew that I would learn things there. They knew that I would have opportunities there that I couldn't have anywhere else, and that I would have the chance to make my own decisions. So off I went. I remember the first night in my dorm room, laying on the hard wooden bed, staring at the ceiling, and clinging to the Noah's Ark Blanket - my comforter -that my mom had made for me when I was twelve. The comforter was the one thing that reminded me of home, that made me feel secure, that made me feel safe.
Heavenly Father sent each of us to a different place - away from home - to get our education. He gives us unlimited nights, weekends, and daytimes to call home. He also gave us a gift; a Comforter, to help us feel safe and secure and to protect us against the elements. He knew we would get cold, he knew that we would get lonely, and he knew that we would get homesick, so he gave us a little piece of home to take with us.
Sister Matsumori tells this story:
"A Sunbeam teacher wrapped each of her class members one by one in a blanket to teach them how the Spirit feels like the comfort and security of that covering. A visiting mother also heard the lesson. Many months later the mother thanked the teacher. She told how she had been less active when she accompanied her young daughter to Primary. Several weeks after the lesson, the mother suffered a miscarriage. She was overcome with grief when suddenly she felt a great warmth and peace. It felt like someone had covered her with a warm blanket. She recognized the reassurance of the Spirit and knew that Heavenly Father was aware of her and that He loved her."
Really, what better name is there for the Holy Ghost than "The Comforter"?

{There were SO many more things I loved in this talk. What were your favorite things?}

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gaining Spiritual Guidance

Well, it's Friday already. Hopefully you've been able to read your first two talks by now. I have to agree with the comment Pam made on my last post -- there is A LOT of focus here already about living worthy of the Spirit and then following the inspiration we receive.

I loved Elder Scott's talk, and yes - I already have quotes to print out and stick on my fridge. I think my favorite was this one
"The Lord will not force you to learn. You must exercise your agency to authorize the Spirit to teach you."
I think it definitely makes a difference in my life when I 1. Pray and ask the Lord to send me inspiration, 2. Pray that I will recognize the inspiration when it comes and 3. Act on the promptings I receive. President Monson reminds us here of the advice to "Pray as though everything depended upon God; Work as though everything depended upon you." So we should be praying hard for the inspiration to come and then working hard for it to continue. I've even been trying to act on promptings when I have no idea if they are actually promptings or not (although we know that if it leads us to do good, then it's from Heavenly Father, yes?) and trying to learn how to recognize that inspiration more easily. And I can tell I need a lot more practice! But that's what it's all about right? So what have you been doing lately to "gain spiritual guidance"?
P.S. I absolutely LOVE the picture on page 9. I dunno, just something about it...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

October Reading Schedule

Week One: November 15-21
"Welcome To Conference" - Thomas S. Monson pg. 4
"To Acquire Spiritual Guidance" - Richard G. Scott pg. 6

Week Two: November 22-28
"Helping Others Recognize the Whisperings of the Spirit" - Vicki F. Matsumori pg. 10
"That Your Burdens May Be Light" - L. Whitney Clayton pg. 12

Week Three: November 29-December 5
"Teaching Helps Save Lives" - Russell T. Osguthorpe pg. 15
"More Diligent and Concerned at Home" - David A. Bednar pg. 17

Week Four: December 6-12
"The Love of God" - Dieter F. Uchtdorf pg. 21
The Sustaining of Church Officers pg. 25

Week Five: December 13-19
"Love and Law" - Dallin H. Oaks pg. 26
"Seeking to Know God, Our Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ" - Robert D. Hales pg. 29

Week Six: December 20-26
"Attempting the Impossible" - Jorge F. Zeballos pg. 33
"Joseph Smith -- Prophet of the Restoration" - Tad R. Callister pg. 35

Week Seven: December 27-January 2
"Being Temperate in All Things" - Kent D. Watson pg. 38
"Repent...That I May Heal You" - Neil L. Anderson pg. 40

Week Eight: January 3-9
"Prayer and Promptings" - Boyd K. Packer pg. 43
"Fathers and Sons: A Remarkable Relationship" - M. Russell Ballard pg. 47

Week Nine: January 10-16
"Becoming More Powerful Priesthood Holders" - Walter F. Gonzalez pg. 50
"I Love Loud Boys" - Yoon Hwan Choi pg. 53

Week Ten: January 17-23
"Two Principles for Any Economy" - Dieter F. Uchtdorf pg. 55
"Be Ready" - Henry B. Eyring pg. 59

Week Eleven: January 24-30
"School Thy Feelings, O My Brother" - Thomas S. Monson pg. 62
"Our Perfect Example" - Henry B. Eyring pg. 70

Week Twelve: January 31-February 6
"The Past Way of Facing the Future" - L. Tom Perry pg. 73
"Let Virtue Garnish Your Thoughts" - H. David Burton pg. 76

Week Thirteen: February 7-13
"Hold On" - Ann M. Dibb pg. 79
"Ask, Seek, Knock" - Russell M. Nelson pg. 81

Week Fourteen: February 14-20
"What Have I Done for Someone Today?" - Thomas S. Monson pg. 84
"Safety for the Soul" - Jeffrey R. Holland pg. 88

Week Fifteen: February 21-27
"Stewardship-a Sacred Trust" - Quentin L. Cook pg. 91
"A Call to the Rising Generation" - Brent H. Nielson pg. 95

Week Sixteen: February 28-March 6
"Preserving the Heart's Might Change" - Dale G. Renlund pg. 97
"An Easiness and Willingness to Believe" - Michael T. Ringwood pg. 100

Week Seventeen: March 7-13
"Blessings of the Gospel Available to All" - Joseph W. Sitati pg. 103
"Moral Discipline" - D. Todd Christofferson pg. 105

Week Eighteen: March 14-20
"Closing Remarks" - Thomas S. Monson pg. 109
"Relief Society: A Sacred Work" - Julie B. Beck pg. 110

Week Nineteen: March 21-27
"Every Woman Needs Relief Society" - Silvia H. Allred pg. 115
"Mind the Gap" - Barbara Thompson pg. 118

Week Twenty: March 28-April 2
"The Enduring Legacy of Relief Society" - Henry B. Eyring pg. 121

Monday, November 9, 2009

Get Ready!

Alright, ya'll....hope you're gearin' up for another round of The Cover To Cover Challenge! You should have received your November Ensign by now...unless you're me. Mine still hasn't come yet, so I had to beg one from Barb. But YOU, you should have yours. Right?

Round two will start NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15. I'll have the schedule up and ready for you to enjoy. See you then!