This talk given by Elder Bednar was seriously an answer to my prayers! {Thank you, Heavenly Father!}
Don't you love it when one of the Apostles mentions a phrase from the scriptures and you know exactly what they're talking about? It hasn't happened to me a whole lot, but this was one of the times it did, and it was awesome! In February I wrote a post on my blog about the 93rd section of the Doctrine and Covenants (read it here), so when Elder Bednar began his address by talking about that section, it grabbed my attention right away. He suggests three ways we can become "more diligent and concerned at home". #1: Express Love - and Show It, #2: Bear Testimony - and Live It, & #3: Be Consistent.
I love how he uses the same phrasing in the first two suggestions.
"Each of us already knows we should [tell the people we love that we love them; bear testimony to the people we love the most.] But what we know is not always reflected in what we do. We may feel unsure, awkward, or even perhaps a bit embarrassed.
"As disciples of the Savior, we are not merely striving to know more; rather, we need to consistently do more of what we know is right and become better."
But oh, my favorite part of this talk is the third section. I love hearing about Elder Bednar's family prayers, scripture study, and family home evening attempts. I love hearing "He's touching me!" "Make him stop looking at me!" "Mom, he's breathing my air!" I love hearing him say "At times Sister Bednar and I were exasperated because the righteous habits we worked so hard to foster did not seem to yield immediately the spiritual results we wanted and expected." {Boy, do I know what that feels like!} I love love love the analogy of the painting in his office.
"In my office is a beautiful painting of a wheat field. The painting is a vast collection of individual brushstrokes—none of which in isolation is very interesting or impressive. In fact, if you stand close to the canvas, all you can see is a mass of seemingly unrelated and unattractive streaks of yellow and gold and brown paint. However, as you gradually move away from the canvas, all of the individual brushstrokes combine together and produce a magnificent landscape of a wheat field. Many ordinary, individual brushstrokes work together to create a captivating and beautiful painting.
"Each family prayer, each episode of family scripture study, and each family home evening is a brushstroke on the canvas of our souls. No one event may appear to be very impressive or memorable. But just as the yellow and gold and brown strokes of paint complement each other and produce an impressive masterpiece, so our consistency in doing seemingly small things can lead to significant spiritual results."
This gives me so much hope! It helps me to remember that the little things that I accomplish (or possibly feel like I've even failed at) may someday create something incredibly more beautiful and more powerful than the small actions alone. Seriously, how great is that!?
I know that as we strive to be 'more diligent and concerned at home' - by expressing and showing love, bearing and living our testimony, and being consistent (avoiding all hypocrisy and making what we say and what we do match more closely), we will be blessed, we will be happy, and we will draw closer to our Father in Heaven. I think I may just have to review this talk on a weekly basis.